Shirahige Otorii

Shirahige Otorii on the Lake 

The Shirahige shrine is located in Takashima city in Northwest Shiga.

It is a rare Shinto shrine facing Lake Biwa, which is the biggest lake in Japan.

Shirahige Otorii on the Lake 

Otorii is a large gateway to a Shinto shrine. It is painted in red and is built in Lake Biwa.
The beautiful scenery of  Shirahige Otorii is called "Itsukushima in Omi“ in Japanese.
Itsukushima Shrine is one of the most popular tourist sites in Hiroshima , Japan.  

Shirahige Otorii on the Lake during high tide

You can enjoy the wonderful scenery in both daytime and evening. It is highly recommended to visit Otorii on Lake Biwa at different times of the year so that you can see it at a different view.

Beautiful view of Shirahige Otorii on the Lake